Every once in a while we discover that our loved ones are having secret, unfaithful encounters. How we find out is another topic. This particular woman emailed me when she found out that her CyberLover couldn't break the online habit, and had an insatiable compulsion for cybercheating.
Dean's Girlfriend:
My reply to him:
Dean's reply:
Nah. Sure Dean, no problem. What time are we meeting for drinks?
If you have a sneaky suspicion about the person courting you from a dating site, I suggest you check out:
where you can type in the profile username and find out the gossip.Contribute your funny dating emails to
Dean's Girlfriend:
"This is Dean's girlfriend.... just thought you should know before you meet this guy for drinks that I have been living with him for the last 7 months and dating him for the last 9 when I found out that he has been going on Jdate and emailing other women. He told me that it was just for fun and meant nothing, that he still loves me and wants to marry me and have children with me. I don't think I can stay with him, but I thought you should know this as he has been dishonest with me. He lied about being on Jdate and I actually found it on his computer. I am heartbroken but he thinks it is all for fun. Ultimately it is up to you but he hasn't been honest with me or with any of the 30 other women he emails per day. then again we met on jdate too. -good luck"
My reply to him:
"Are you aware of the fact that your girlfriend emailed me from your jdate account?"
Dean's reply:
"Now i know, but we're not together anymore. She just feel bad if that make her feel better it's ok. do u mind?"
Nah. Sure Dean, no problem. What time are we meeting for drinks?
If you have a sneaky suspicion about the person courting you from a dating site, I suggest you check out:
where you can type in the profile username and find out the gossip.Contribute your funny dating emails to
Funny addition.
I heard a great story recently about some guy who got caught on j-date by his girlfriends friend. Apparently he had submitted a picture of himself
with his girlfriends arm still attached around his shoulder. The friend recognized the photo, called her friend and he was busted!
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