Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Can You Spare a Quarter?

Submitted by an "I Liked Your Profile" reader, who wrote "Is this guy the best scam artist of all time, or the worst?:

"hey ur a cutie, i know this is gonna sound bad, but here i go, i just flew into jfk on monday and have been staying at a hotel in times square since then, but the thing is i got robbed in time square tonight, and the cops wont do anything about it, so pretty much im stranded in a city where i know no one and im stuck in a hotel lobby on my laptop praying to god that some one can help me out, pls. do not get all wierded out by this message, if you can help or know of some one that can pls. let me know thank u soo much cutie, hope to talk to you soon, Richard"
Um, the worst.
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